Our Motto . Help make magazine publishers life easy
Manage count of active/close/renewed subscribers for multiple magazine
Adding new subscribers,handling their renewal and storing historical details
Generate introduction ,renewal letters and payment receipts
Generate Monthly labels
Handling Customer complaints
Handling International Customers
Handling subscribers who purchase multiple magazines
Price $3000
Why use this product ?
Magazine publishers have to manage subscribesr like know the number of susbcribers for which magazine ,which magazine subscribers are expired
or about to expire ,Send them renewal notices ,etc Every month they need to generate labels for magazine dispatch also handle customer complain. This programme helps you to manage subscribers,never loose any information about the subscriber, Also as information is stored in our system you can get access to various reports through which you can use analytics to improve your business process.
A tool to manage advertisrer,contracts ,inovices
Adding new advertiser and add new contracts
Generate production report displays which advertisement is book by which advertiser
Generate Monthly and individual invoices
Handle payment reciepts for these advertisement invoices
Reports showing outstanding payment to be collected by advertisers
One main reason to buy our product is its linked to our accounting ,Trial balance,profit and lsoe and balance sheet
Price $3000
Why use this product
A Magazine publisher has various advertisers who books their advertisemnt in magazine for various issues.
You spend time generating invoices for the advertisers .Storing their payment details and
doing followup on customers whose payment is outstanding. You spend a lot of time doing this using our programe things are very easily managed resulting in saving time and better management of advertisement using our software programme.